2025 WVSSAR slate of officers:

President: Harold T. Cox, Jr., Capt. James Neal Chapter

1st Vice President: James (Jay) Frey,  Fort Henry Chapter

2nd Vice President: Mark A. LaFrance, Capt. James Neal Chapter

Secretary-Treasurer: Keith A. McDonald, Gen. Adam Stephens Chapter

Registrar: Henry (Lou) Ruff, III, Capt. James Neal Chapter

Chaplain: Dr. James Paul Chapman, John Beckley Chapter

Historian: Kevin A. Pruitt, Gen. Hugh Mercer Chapter

Chancellor: Brian O. Casto, Daniel Boone Chapter

Color Guard Commander: Martin P. Brady, Daniel Boone Chapter

Newsletter Editor: Thomas J. Galloway, Gen. Andrew Lewis Chapter

Webmaster: Kevin A. Pruitt, Gen. Hugh Mercer Chapter

National Trustee: Rhendal C. Butler, Greenbrier Valley Chapter

Delegates 2024-2026:

 George Hunter, John Beckley Chapter

Robert Tilley, Capt. Ralph Stewart Chapter

Robert K. Grumley, Capt. James Neal Chapter

Delegates voted in last year 2023-2025: 

Daryl W. Densford, Daniel Boone Chapter

Gregory Morgan, Gen. Hugh mercer Chapter


America 250:

America 250: Fort Henry Chapter Relocates and Restores Monument to McColloch’s Leap
Major Samuel McColloch’s “leap” is one of the most famous acts of pioneer heroism in the Upper Ohio Valley. On Saturday, October 28, 2023 a brief dedication ceremony was held to commemorate completion of the relocation and restoration of the monument to McColloch’s daring escape down the east side of Wheeling Hill during the 1777 siege of Fort Henry. The ceremony was the culmination of three years of planning and fundraising by the Fort Henry Chapter in Wheeling, West Virginia. The ribbon was cut by Compatriot Robert A. McColloch, great-great-great-great nephew of Major McColloch. The monument initiative is the chapter’s signature project to mark the forthcoming 250th anniversary of American independence in 2026.
In his remarks at the dedication chapter president Jay Frey acknowledged generous support from over 70 donors. Among the most significant contributors are the City of Wheeling, Ray and Dina Carney, the Elizabeth Stifel Kline Foundation, Rotary Club of Wheeling and the SAR’s George Washington Endowment. The Carneys were presented with the Silver Citizenship Medal from the West Virginia Society in recognition of their gift of the property for the monument’s new location. Frey also commended Savage Construction Co. for donating the flag pole and Top Notch Landscaping for covering the labor cost for landscaping the site. The names of donors at the $1,000 level and above are incised on the reverse of the new monument. The total cost of the project was $92,656.
To close the event, a musket salute was given by color guardsmen Larry Perkins (Ebenezer Zane Chapter, OHSSAR), Gary Timmons and Ron Malmgren (George Washington Chapter, PASSAR).  
This year marks the 250th anniversary of the construction of Fort Henry in 1774. The effort was initially undertaken by Ebenezer Zane and John Caldwell in response to anticipated reprisal raids following the murder of Mingo leader Logan’s sister and brother at Yellow Creek. The fort was completed by militia under the command of Captain William Crawford and Colonel Angus McDonald from Fort Dunmore (formerly Fort Duquesne in Pittsburgh), with approval by Virginia’s royal governor, Lord Dunmore. Originally named Fort Fincastle, using Dunmore’s secondary title of Viscount Fincastle, it was renamed for his successor, Patrick Henry following Dunmore’s departure from Virginia during the Revolutionary War.

Submitted by James H. Frey, president, Fort Henry Chapter, WVSSAR

Spring BOM

The Spring Board of Managers meeting will be held on March 16, 2024. Meeting will begin at 10am in the Conference room in the Days Inn & Suites located in Flatwoods, WV. 350 Days Drive, Sutton, WV 26601. The Nomination Committee will be presenting the Slate of Officers. Refreshments will be served. Please plan to attend.

Annual Meeting 2024

The WVSSAR Annual meeting will be held on April 19-20. This year’s host is the General Adam Stephens Chapter in Martinsburg. Meeting will begin at 5 pm on the 19th at the Purple Iris at the Hartwood Mansion, 1956 Winchester Ave, Martinsburg. Dress is Colonial attire or formal. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Martinsburg Hampton Inn.

Emeritus status

The West Virginia Society wishes to recognize four of our members that have earned Emeritus status. They have been active members for 50 years. Please congratulate the following emeritus members.

John Overington of the General Adam Stephen chapter.

Kelly Deem of the George Rogers Clark chapter.

James Van Metre IV of the Greenbrier Valley chapter.

Charles Wilson of the Greenbrier Valley chapter.


Color guard insurance.

In an ongoing effort to procure insurance for our state Color guard, Commander Cromley has requested that all Chapter presidents please provide the names and number of Color guardsmen in each chapter, and any events said chapters plan to attend during a calendar year. Please list all events whether in West Virginia or another state, and regardless of whether or not they are sponsored by a Chapter.  Information is needed to complete an application for insurance, and names will not be needed by provider, but to be certain no duplicates of members appear in error.

Richard Bailey grave memorial

On Oct 26, at 12:30pm, The Gen. Hugh Mercer Chapter, in conjunction with the American Legion, Post 54 of Princeton, WV., will be conducting a memorial service to honor Veteran’s Day at the grave of Patriot Richard Peyton Bailey.

The grave is located just off Rt460, on the WV/VA line, at the entrance to Leatherwood Horse Farm in Bluefield. All are welcome to attend.